The Foundation Of Barsino

Barsino was created with one clear purpose in mind: to celebrate the unique bond between confident, stylish, and graceful women, and the pearls that enhance their inner and outer beauty.


Pearls are the ultimate expression of the spirit of the sea - they have been treasured throughout the ages for their purity, their perfection, and their rare and mystical properties. From the ancient times of classical world through to the feminine icons of today, the pearl has been ever-present, and never ceases to inspire and amaze.


Through our handcrafted items of artisan jewellery, we’re celebrating not only the unique and endless grace of the pearl but also the undeniable spirit of womanhood. She was there in Babylon just as she stands today, and with our designs and stylish creations, we herald in her newest age.



منذ البداية كان هدف بارسينو الأوحد هو الإحتفال بالعلاقة التي تعزز بين الجمال الداخلي والخارجي و بين شخصية المرأة العصرية. لا شيء يلخص روح البحر مثل اللآلئ ولذلك يسعى الناس لإقتناءهم. ورغم استعمال اللؤلؤ للزينة منذ أقدم العصور، يبقي من أكثر المجوهرات رقيا وقدرة على التحفيز والإبهار.

نعتز في بارسينو بتشكيلاتنا التي تسلط الضوء على سمات التشابة بين المرأة في التاريخ والحاضر مع الرقي والشياكة الأزلية لللؤلؤ.

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